About Us - "The Details"
Parents – We are here for you; and the following will explain WHO we are – WHAT we do – and HOW we can help you.
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- WHO we are – We are a source of valuable information sponsored by some of the top Youth Development Programs in the world…and due to their generous support ANSWERS FOR PARENTS (AFP) is a FREE professional service, that ensures Parents have the knowledge they need to make an informed decision about the type of intervention they are considering for their Child. AFP Counselors work with families that have a struggling Teen (and pre-teen) or Young Adult. The AFP Counselors are a Team of professionals who have helped thousands of Parents find the appropriate help for their Child.
- WHAT we do – We help Parents find the most appropriate help for their Teen (or pre-teen) or Young Adult. AFP (Answers For Parents) has sorted through the over-whelming maze of information and programs available to help you find the most appropriate treatment program(s). Each Program is unique in the services they offer, ranging from in-home programs to very traditional boarding school type to more specialized for more specific needs. Our Goal at Answers For Parents is to HELP you help your Teen or Young Adult in the most effective, cost efficient, and timely way possible.
- HOW we do it – AFP Admissions Counselors assist Parents in determining Why, When, and How to intervene on behalf of their Child; and if necessary, in getting their child enrolled in the most appropriate program possible. Questions we are often asked – "How do I know which program is best for my Child?" "How do I know which programs are the good ones, and which are the bad ones?" We have already done the research and we continue to update it regularly, and we look forward to sharing it with you. We do not make the decision for you; we simply help make the decision easier, and more timely and appropriate. AND, our service is FREE!
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AND Finally – Why do we provide this valuable resource? Very simple, our philosophy is very clear, and our Goal is always the same: "Help Parents help their families in the most appropriate way possible." With thousands of programs available, we know how difficult, yet how important it is to choose the best program for long term behavior change in a struggling Teen or Young Adult. We are honored to be able to use our expertise to be of service to Parents in this important life-saving cause.
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Take Action Now to get your Child back: 1) Call 1-877-242-6793 and speak with one of our Professionals; or 2) Take our 20 Question Pre-Assessment; or 3) Complete the Request Help Form ... and get help TODAY!