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Professional Help is Just a Phone Call Away -

Determine the appropriate help for your child -Boarding School, Therapeutic Boarding School, Residential Treatment Program, Military Boarding SchoolProgram Option, or Group Home for your Troubled Teen (pre-teen or young adult) -

Answers For Parents (AFP) is a free Professional service, that ensures Parents have the knowledge they need to make an informed decision about the type of intervention they are considering for their Child. AFP Counselors work with families that have a Troubled Teen or Young Adult. The AFP Counselors are a Team of Professionals who have helped thousands of Parents find the appropriate help for their Child.

Parents who call AFP have been searching for how to best help their Child & Family; and want to make sure they don't make a mistake. The Critical Question - What type of Intervention does your Child really need?

Our Goal is to HELP You help your Troubled Teen or Young Adult in the most effective, cost efficient, and timely way possible.

START NOW - take the first step in getting your Child back: 1) Call 1-877-242-6793 and speak with one of our Professionals; or 2)  Take our 20 Question Pre-Assessment; or 3) Complete the Request Help Form  ... and get help TODAY!

Please read the Welcome to Answers For Parents message below to see HOW we help.

“Answers for the Greatest Responsibility of All”
Toll Free Line: 877-242-6793


*Welcome to Answers For Parents*

Hello - I'm Adelle Belnap, a mother of 2 children and proud to be the spokesperson for this unique and special website and free service for Parents. There is much I would like to tell you about How we can HELP YOU sort through the overwhelming maze of information, and why we are so passionate about giving families a "hand up" in a time of need … In fact Click Here to see a short Video Presentation and the compelling story behind this valuable website and service. RIGHT NOW, lets focus on what YOU CAN DO to begin getting the help you need for your Troubled Teen (or young adult):

Call Now - Call our Answers For Parents Help Line TODAY, and begin the process of getting your Troubled Teen or Young Adult the help they need. We will help you identify appropriate options; and if Intervention is indicated, WHY, WHEN, and HOW to Intervene. The Options can range anywhere from In-home Out-Patient Treatment to Some type of Residential Therapeutic Intervention. What ever you decide to do, we are honored to be of help, because this is YOUR CHILD & FAMILY. As impossible as your situation may seem, we can help you find the answers - Call TODAY 1-877-242-6793

Take our 20 Question AssessmentUse this information to help in finding the most appropriate help for your struggling teen (pre-teen or young adult). This Assessment can help in understanding the severity of your teens problems (pre-teen or young adult), and can serve as an important point of reference. Depending on the extent, these problems may best be addressed by getting help in a controlled environment (a residential setting). Other times, because the issues are more moderate, the parent is able to tighten structure, re-visit necessary family rules and strengthen communication -- keeping their teen (pre-teen or young adult) in the home.

Request for Help Form - Fill out the Request for Help Form and we will send you via your email, important information on the types of HELP available, Crisis Intervention, and Signs to look for. You can find this document and other valuable information on our website under the heading Contact Us.

Call TODAY to speak with an Answers For Parents Counselor at 1-877-242-6793. We are standing by.


Teens & Drugs

Is your teenager using drugs? Here are some warning signs.

Signs of troubled teens on drugs in the home

* loss of interest in family activities

* disrespect for family rules

* withdrawal from responsibilities

* verbally or physically abusive

* sudden increase or decrease in appetite

* disappearance of valuable items or money

* not coming home on time

* not telling you where they are going

* constant excuses for behavior

* spending a lot of time in their rooms

* lies about activities

* finding the following: cigarette rolling papers, pipes, roach clips, small glass vials, plastic baggies, remnants of drugs (seeds, etc.)


Signs of troubled teens on drugs at school

* sudden drop in grades

* truancy

* loss of interest in learning

* sleeping in class

* poor work performance

* not doing homework

* defiant of authority

* poor attitude towards sports or other extracurricular activities

* reduced memory and attention span

* not informing you of teacher meetings, open houses, etc.


Physical and emotional signs of troubled teens on drugs

* changes friends

* smell of alcohol or marijuana on breath or body

* unexplainable mood swings and behavior

* negative, argumentative, paranoid or confused, destructive, anxious

* over-reacts to criticism, acts rebellious

* sharing few if any of their personal problems

* doesn't seem as happy as they used to be

* overly tired or hyperactive

* drastic weight loss or gain

* unhappy and depressed

* cheats, steals

* always needs money, or has excessive amounts of money

* sloppiness in appearance


How does Answers For Parents help Parents of troubled Teens and Young Adults?

Answers For Parents is committed to helping troubled teens change their lives and once again become integral members of their families and communities. Although there is no greater resource than parents communicating and strengthening their troubled teens, sometimes intervention is required outside of the family unit and this is where Answers For Parents can help. Answers For Parents offers free expert treatment program Admissions Services for troubled teens and young adults. Please call us today for a free and confidential consultation at 877-242-6793. You can view our 24/7 Parent Help Line by clicking here.

Help with Troubled Teens Adopted in the State of California

Are you struggling with your child … and, did you adopt your child through the state of California?


Have you tried helping your adopted child with Counseling, Therapy, or other Programs … but, NOT seeing the BEHAVIOR CHANGES needed?


Is your Child in need of other options – but you're not sure what they are, or how to pay for them?


Answers For Parents can help! We have done extensive research and we can be of significant help in finding “FREE Funding" and the "Right Program" for your childs needs. Typically, there are two critical pieces of the puzzle that Adoptive Parents, with troubled teens, are trying to put together:


  1. HELP NEEDED ... Find the School/Program that provides the needed HELP.
  2. FUNDING … Where do I get the MONEY to Pay for it?  We can help you find "FREE" FundingFUNDING available to you, regardless of your Socioeconomic situation.


It’s what we do! Answers For Parents can help you Find the Right Program, as well as the Secure Free Funding - two critical pieces of the puzzle!



 An Answers For Parents Counselor is Standing by - ready to help!


There are many types of programs available for troubled youth: Boot Camps, Military Schools, Therapeutic Boarding Schools, Residential Treatment Programs (Residential Programs), and Wilderness Program ... etc.

Answers For Parents can help you find the right program!

Warning Signs & Crisis Intervention

The Warning Signs & Reasons for Intervention are outlined below; but your safest approach is to talk with your AFP Counselor to make sure you are not over-reacting or more tragically you are not minimizing the dangers that exist for your Child. Too often, denial leads to escalation, and when a Child is one decision away from a life-altering event or even more tragically, a fatal event, catching it early is the safest act.

Warning Signs & Reasons for Intervention include:

  • ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder)
  • Authority Issues
  • Problems in School
  • BiPolar
  • Depression
  • Substance Abuse
  • Mood Swings
  • Low Self-Esteem
  • Anger
  • Manipulative Behavior
  • Sexually Active
  • Bad Peer Choices / maybe even Gang Involvement
  • Suicide Threat / or even worse, Suicide Attempt
  • Self-Harm & Mutalation
  • Trouble keeping Friends
  • Running Away from Home

A timely CONFIDENTIAL discussion with an AFP Counselor will help you determine if Intervention is indicated; and WHY you should Intervene, WHEN to Intervene, and HOW to Intervene.

If your Teen or Young Adult is exhibiting any of the above Warning Signs, Call us TODAY to have this all important discussion with your personal AFP Counselor. Call 877-242-6793.

 When Families approach a Crisis with their Troubled Teen or Young Adult....Intervention is Needed.

The family is the perfect unit and medication for troubled teens who are struggling with life. While Answers For Parents prescribes family as the first means of treatment for a struggling teen, intervention at times becomes necessary. Answers For Parents is an advocate for both better parenting and intervention programs for troubled teens.

When the family unit has exhausted all resources to help their troubled teen overcome the problems they are dealing with, there are several effective programs that can intervene. Crisis Intervention programs typically come in the shape of either a residential treatment center or a wilderness therapy program. Both treatment program models are extremely effective.

A good treatment program intervening on behalf of parents in their troubled teen's lives keeps the parents actively involved in the treatment of their teen. Typically this active role comes in the form of parent therapeutic phone calls or parent visits to the facility. Often times intervention programs will allow for the troubled teen to have therapeutic visits at home while they are in the program to test the effectiveness of the treatment in the very environment where they originally had fallen into bad behavior.

Intervention after a family has exhausted all resources can put a troubled teen on the fast track to long lasting behavioral changes quickly. This is crucial in a teenagers transition into adulthood. Typically troubled teens who are given the opportunity to change in a treatment program will rebound quickly (8-12 months in a residential treatment program and/or 3-6 months in a wilderness therapy program) and then once again become integral members of their family and community. The success rate for many programs Answers For Parents places troubled teens in is in the high 80 percentile and sometimes 98 percentile. This means that except for extreme cases the majority of troubled teens that undergo a treatment program successfully change their lives long term.

Troubled teens who are not given the opportunity for treatment often extend what should have been teenage years (12-18) well into their adult years and often do not rebound or get a clue so to speak until they are in their mid 20's. This causes severe damage not only in families moral and finances, but also on our society as a whole. Troubled teens who don't or are not willing to become and act like adults until they are in their mid 20's have a much less likelihood of finding good gainful employment. The list of the effects of those lost years spent being a troubled teen is very lengthy and often involves criminal activities, jail, and most often addictions to drugs and/or alcohol or other forms of self abuse.

If you and your family have exhausted all resources to help your struggling teen, then intervention is necessary and is a positive "answer for parents." Intervention after a family has done all it can is not the result of failed parenting. In actuality parents who love their children enough to seek intervention in a treatment program are providing their troubled child with an invaluable opportunity to grow and develop behaviorally before transitioning into adulthood.

Intervention treatment programs offer troubled teens a safe haven from the world where they can refocus and dedicate themselves. Where they can re-establish self worth and goals for their future without the distraction of negative peers and culture. Remember, good intervention programs for troubled teens also include a family involvement component where parents contribute and experience the growth of their child so that when the healthy teen transitions back into the home and community parents already know what to expect.

How does Answers For Parents help parents of troubled teens and young adults?

Answers For Parents is committed to helping parents help their troubled teens change their lives and once again become integral members of their families and communities. Although there is no greater resource than parents communicating and strengthening their child, sometimes intervention is required outside of the family unit and this is where Answers For Parents steps in. Answers For Parents offers free expert treatment program Consulting and Admissions Services for troubled teens and young adults. Please call us today for a free and confidential consultation at 877-242-6793. 


START NOW - take the first step in getting your Child back: 1) Call 1-877-242-6793 and speak with one of our Professionals; or 2)  Take our 20 Question Pre-Assessment; or 3) Complete the Request Help Form  ... and get help TODAY!